miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

Talking about emotions

How do you feel today ?

Today I want to share with you a poster about emotions.

-Look at the  images and tall me about your feelings. How do you feel today?
-In which situations do you feel as shown in the image happy, sad,..?

I hope you enjoy it!

martes, 21 de abril de 2015

Crossword about vocabulary of the classroom

Resultado de imagen de classroom dibujo   In the classroom

In this activity you will learn vocabulary about objects in the classroom.
Find the name of objects in the class. Remember that you can click on the numbers if yoy need some help.


Today I want to share with you a Word activity to work with numbers from 1 to 5.
 You can watch the video and download the word activity in the link below the video or download the activity without watching the video.


                                           DOWNLOAD ACTIVITY 

 You can use this self-made word activity to learn numbers from 1 to 5.
    Click here to download the activity about numbers

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

In this activity you can learn vocabulary about the parts of yout body. Select the name and drop it on the image.

Slides about food

 Resultado de imagen de eat              What do you eat?

Do you know the name of the food in the flashcard?
The card will present a picture of the food and if you click on it (try guessing first!) the name of the food will be shown.Try it!! (Remember to click on "Next")

Exercises in Word

Here you can find a self-made Word resource to learn about food.
 It includes audio.
Click here to download and learn about Food


  Do you like animals?

If you download this activity you will see the image of different animals and listen to their names.

Click here to download and learn about animals