jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Slides about food

 Resultado de imagen de eat              What do you eat?

Do you know the name of the food in the flashcard?
The card will present a picture of the food and if you click on it (try guessing first!) the name of the food will be shown.Try it!! (Remember to click on "Next")

2 comentarios:

  1. Good afternoon Amaia,

    This activity was so good. It is simple but very useful for teaching different vocabulary. In my opinion, is an interesting way because it is very interactive and while it seems they play, children learn a lot.

    On the other hand, the activity for the parts of the body was great.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Hi Amaia!

    I specially like this activity. In my opinion, it is quite useful as it helps children making hypothesis about the name of each food and it provides kids with a great chance to learn the vocabulary related to the food in a funny and interactive way.

    Congratulations for your blog and your entries, I love the design :)

